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Role/scope-based permissions

useAuth comes with built-in support for authorization.

Authorization is handy when you have different types of authenticated users. Admins are a common example. Or trial and paid users.

Debate rages whether role-based or scope-based permissions are The One True Scalable Way. useAuth doesn't care. There is no technical difference between roles and scopes, they're both a string you attach to the user 🙃

1. Attach roles or scopes to users

Roles and scopes are part of user data. They come from your auth provider. Every provider handles it differently.

2. Check user permissions

useAuth's abstraction layer handles reading the correct properties for you.

To check for a single role or scope, use the isAuthorized method with a string.

function AuthorizedComponent() {
const { isAuthorized } = useAuth();
// verify user is an admin
if (isAuthorized("admin")) {
return <AdminUI />;
} else {
return null;

isAuthorized verifies that the user is authenticated and that their role or scope meta data contains the "admin" string.

To check for multiple roles, you can pass an array.

function AuthorizedComponent() {
const { isAuthorized } = useAuth();
// verify user has at least 1 of these scopes
if (isAuthorized(["moderate", "admin"])) {
return <ModeratorUI />;
} else {
return null;

isAuthorized checks for some roles or scopes matching your user. If you need to check for every role, run isAuthorized multiple times. The OR case seemed more common when designing this API :)

Use with Netlify Identity
Create an auth provider
Created with ❤️ by Swizec et. al.